A school teacher in Osterode, Germany, teaches students aboout the coronavirus.
A school teacher in Osterode, Germany, teaches students about the coronavirus.
Frank May/picture alliance/Getty Images

Are you a teacher who is struggling with burnout after more than a year of distanced or hybrid teaching during a pandemic? We want to hear from you.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has battered a number of industries, including the teaching workforce in the US. A survey by Education Week revealed that 73% of districts had more of a need for substitute teachers in 2020 than 2019, and 74% of districts said they experienced a drop in the number of applications for substitute teacher positions at their schools. Meanwhile, teacher retirements and leaves of absence are way up since the pandemic began, according to Axios.

Have you left the profession completely or considered leaving the profession due to COVID-19 burnout? Have you taken a leave of absence during the pandemic? Has a year of online teaching led you to choose early retirement or take a leave of absence? Are you an educator still struggling with burnout who wants to share your story?

If you or someone you know is a teacher who can answer any of these questions, please reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected].

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